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Citadel Towers Chatswood

Citadel Towers Chatswood

Under the towering presence of Citadel Towers Chatswood, my LED Direct Lighting company took its first bold steps into the world of innovation. It was a moment etched in memory, the dawn of our journey marked by a significant milestone: our inaugural major installation.

In the nascent era of LED technology and sensor integration, I found myself seated with the client, engaging in discussions that would shape the future of illumination. We delved into the intricacies of longevity, particularly emphasizing the importance of sensors in lighting units, especially within vital spaces like car parks and fire stairs. With determination and foresight, we embarked on the monumental task of installing 570 fixtures in 2014.

As time marched forward, I found myself wandering the familiar paths of the car park one late January evening in 2024. To my delight and pride, more than 85% of the lights stood steadfast, a shining testament to our meticulous design, flawless manufacturing, and careful selection of materials. It was a moment of validation, a confirmation that our efforts had not been in vain.

Buoyed by this triumph, our journey extended beyond the confines of the car park. We ventured into illuminating the office spaces across the tenant floors and lobby areas, leaving our mark of excellence throughout the towers.

To the owner of Citadel Towers Chatswood, I express my deepest gratitude. It was your trust and vision that allowed us to embark on this transformative journey, igniting a beacon of light that continues to shine brightly, illuminating the path forward for LED Direct Lighting.